Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Congratulations to Dusty!

As you all know, Dusty just got back from completing sapper school. It was a 30 day course and he did extremely well, so well he graduated and got the tab! We are all so excited and very proud of him. He did different tasks, tests, patrols and missions such as ruck marches, repelling, water drills in zodiacs (inflatable boats), and much more! Just to brag about him a little more, there were 32 people that started the course, and only 14 graduated and got the tab, 3 of them being girls! Those are some tough girls...I know I couldn't do the first task! We got to see our friends in MO, Melissa and Andy, for a few minutes Friday night. Poor Dusty was about to fall asleep he was so tired, so we visited for a little while, then got him to bed!
I flew up to Memphis to his parents house, and then the three of us drove us up to Ft. Leonard Wood on Friday, had Dusty's graduation on Friday afternoon, got up on Saturday and we all drove back to Memphis. We went to Bass Pro and got a great Japanese dinner that night. Then Sunday morning, Dusty and I left and drove to Dalton and had lunch at Tijuana's with my parents, sister and her fiance, and my grandparents. It was really good to see them!
Dusty and I had a really good weekend, first time seeing each other in about a month and a half, so it was really good seeing him. Also, spending time with his parents and sister was good too! Now for us, its time to start a new routine for me going to school and work, and Dusty starting work at Ft. Stewart.
We are looking forward to family coming to visit for Easter in a couple weeks!

The first picture is of Colonel Iverson putting Dusty's sapper tab on his left shoulder.
There is an upclose shot of his red sapper tab.
The other two are of me and him, and then me and him with his parents.
