Friday, February 1, 2008

Movie Gallery, here I come!

I started a new job! Woo hoo! While Dusty and I were living in Missouri, I didn't work the entire time. I was suppose to, I put in applications everywhere, but no luck! So, when I moved to Pooler I put in applications everywhere and when I went for an interview at Movie Gallery, they hired me! My first day was Tuesday. I got all decked out in my khaki pants, tennis shoes, and either a red or white polo shirt, and got to working. It wasn't bad at all. I organized the movies on shelves, checked movies in, yess I got to scan! haha, and I vacummed and didn't leave until 11:30 that night. On Thursday, I learned how to use the register, which I had never done in my life. I got the hang of it for the most part, except when people use their rewards card or want to get one. There is so much you have to type in, scan, swipe, sign, and print. But that was my first time and I think I did pretty well. I think I was a little slow, some of the customers picked up that I was new and I had to apologize a couple times, but all were understanding!
Dusty starts sapper school today and so pray for him and wish him luck. I don't think he and I will be able to talk hardly at all, but that's ok...he has a lot going on there that he needs to focus on. He and a friend have been living with Melissa and Andy for the past two weeks, and now are living in the sapper barracks with a lot more people. Thank you though to Melissa and Andy for helping us out with that!
