Tuesday, October 16, 2007

We've Been Tagged!

Four Jobs I've Had
1. Babysitter
2. Student
3. Daycare worker
4. Wife

Four Movies I could watch Over and Over
1. The Notebook
2. A Walk To Remember
3. Bad Boys 2
4. Elf

Four Places I've Lived
1. Ringgold, GA
2. Statesboro, GA
3. Ft. Benning, GA (kinda)
4. Ft. Leonard Wood, MO

Four favorite TV/reality shows
1. Paula Deen (anything on Food Network)
2. Little People, Big World (The Roloffs)
3. Jon & Kate: Plus 8
4. Ellen DeGeneres

Four of my Favorite places I've Been
1. Disney World
2. Savannah, GA
3. New York City
4. Costa Rica

Four of my Favorite Foods
1. Tacos
2. Turnip Greens
3. Macaroni & Cheese
4. Mexican & Japanese/Chinese

Four Websites I Check Daily
1. our blog
2. Yahoo mail
3. Facebook

Four Hobbies I enjoy
1. Reading
2. Shopping (when I have money)
3. Riding bikes
4. hanging out with my husband, Dusty

Four Jobs I've Had
1. yard mower
2. West Walnut Cafe
3. Army
4. husband

Four Movies I could watch Over and Over
1. The Patriot
2. Gladiator
3. Dumb and Dumber
4. Blues Brothers

Four Places I've Lived
1. Dalton, GA
2. West Point, NY
3. Ft. Benning, GA (kinda)
4. Ft. Leonard Wood, MO

Four favorite TV/reality shows
1. Cops
2. Sports Center
3. Little People, Big World
4. TLC: Flip This House

Four of my Favorite places I've Been
1. Costa Rica
2. Summerland Key
3. New York City
4. Savannah, GA

Four of my Favorite Foods
1. Steak
2. Sweet Potato
3. hamburger
4. Mexican

Four Websites I Check Daily
1. AKO
3. Scottrade
4. Yahoo Finance

Four Hobbies I enjoy
1. Fishing
2. spending time with my wife, Monica
3. building things
4. exercising


Cinderella, the A-Train and Our Little Caboose said...

Yeahhhh! I am so happy to read your survey! I have been checking like mad all day. So fun!

Monica and Dusty said...

Haha thats funny! Yeah we sat down last night and filled it out...it was fun!
