Saturday, October 13, 2007

A Little About The Eggleston's

Hey everyone, we are just getting started with blogging so our site isnt looking too great right now!
We have only been married for a little over 4 months, and we are loving married life! Since being married, we have lived in 3 states: Summerland Key, Florida; Ft. Benning Georgia and Dalton, Georgia; and finally, Ft. Leonard Wood, Missouri, where we currently are now. I will be in Missouri until a little before Christmas, then moving down to Pooler, Georgia, outside of Savannah, into our new townhouse. Dusty will be finishing his Engineering Officer Basic Course and will be moving down to GA in January. I will be starting school back at Georgia Southern University in January for spring semester, and Dusty will be at Ft. Stewart for his first duty station as a 2nd Lieutenant.
We have a Maltese puppy named Layla! She just had her first birthday! She is just like a little kid at times, especially when it comes to needing attention and play time. She loves playing, especially with water bottles, her toy keys, and running around and around and around in the yard. Sometimes, she gets going so fast, she face plants in the grass! We will try to post some pictures of her crazy running. She loves people and goes crazy for their attention and wont calm down until they acknowledge her! But we love her to death!
We are looking forward to Thanksgiving and Christmas breaks to see our families! We are also looking forward to what the future has in store for us!

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