Saturday, October 20, 2007

Pumpkin Time

Last night, Melissa and Andy had Dusty and I over to carve our pumpkins. We had a lot of fun carving, eating cake, drinking apple cider, taking pictures, and just hanging out together! When we got home, we tried to take pictures of Layla beside the pumpkin and she was not going to have it. She ran and hid behind the kitchen chair so we couldn't get to her! Who knows why she was so scared of it!?

I haven't been feeling too well lately and so we thought maybe I had a kidney infection because thats where the pain was coming from. So when we got back home from Andy and Melissa's, we looked online for appointments with my PCM. There were no appointments for a while, so before it got any worse, we went on to the ER because it becomes more of a walk-in clinic sometimes. We went up there, stayed for 3 hours so I could pee in a cup, and found out that I did have a kidney infection. I am on antibiotics and hopefully will be feeling better soon!


Cinderella, the A-Train and Our Little Caboose said...

I had no idea you weren't feeling well! I hope that you feel better soon! Let me know if you need something. PS. we had a great time last night too. Thanks for coming over!

Monica and Dusty said...

I am already feeling a lot better! This morning I wasnt feeling too hot, but I took some Tylenol and we went and got some lunch, then went to Rolla and hung around there for the day! I'll let you know if I need anything, but hopefully I am getting better! Thanks for everything!

Little Liz said...

Hey! I am not sure if this is what you do on a blog or not......what exactly is a blog???? Anyway, I hope you are feeling lots better by now!!!!!

Monica and Dusty said...

Well hey little Liz...dont worry Im not too sure what you are suppose to do on it either haha! Glad you are checking it out though!
