1. Where did you meet your husband? I don't remember the exact time I met Dusty...we grew up in the same hometown, so we always knew of each other since I guess first grade.
2.What was the first thing you said to your husband? Oh goodness, such an embarrassing story, I really don't remember, but probably something like its good to see you...haha I dont know!
3. Where was your first date? We went to the Tennessee Aquarium and then to Cheeburger Cheeburger.
4. Where was your first kiss? Out in my driveway...under the stars...haha
5. Did you have a long or short courtship/engagement? Long, I guess....we started dating in December of 2005, got engaged in August of 2006, and got married in June of 2007.
6. Where did you get engaged? On a huge rock overlooking the Hudson River on Flirtation Walk at West Point during sunrise!
7. Where were you married? The Tennessee RiverPlace...right by the Tennessee River...so pretty!!!
8. How was the reception? A whole lot of fun...we danced, ate, cut cake, all that stuff!
9. How was the Honeymoon? Amazing! We went to Costa Rica, stayed in 3 cities/towns/resorts, and just had a lot of fun. Some of the things we did: hot springs, treetop cables....so scary, but yet so fun!, and relaxed in the sun at the beach!
What's his name? Dustin Lee Eggleston
How long have you been together? 2 years, but only married 6 months
How old is he? 23
Who eats more? He does, but I do have to admit, sometimes its about even
Who said I love you first? He did
Who is taller? He is...he is 5'10" and I am 5'2"
Who sings better? He would say I do
Who is smarter? He is way smarter...hello he went to West Point haha!
Whose temper is worse? Mine
Who does the laundry? At first we both helped out, but I dont work, so I usually do it
Who does the dishes? The dishwasher! But usually we help each other out by loading and unloading
Who sleeps on the right side of the bed? He does...like Melissa said....just in case an intruder comes in, he can protect me!
Who pays the bills? Me, I guess. Although I do not balance the checkbook...the computer does!
Who mows the lawn? Dusty does, but I go get the mower from Melissa and Andy's and take it back.
Who cooks dinner? I do
Who drives when you are together? It just depends on the car and how far the distance.
Who is more stubborn? I am
Who is the first to admit their wrong? Dusty
Whose parents do you see the most? Right now, his parents...they live a little closer
Who kissed whom first? Dusty asked if he could kiss me and before I said yes, he was already coming for it!
Who proposed? He did...and I didnt think he was for real!
Who has more friends? He does
Who is more sensitive? I am
Who has more siblings? I do...I have 2 sisters and he has 1 sister
Who wears the pants in the family? We both...we're a team!!!
I love doing these kind of surveys, so I hope yall enjoy!!!
Tuesday, December 11, 2007
Tuesday, November 27, 2007
Turkey Day
Dusty and I met his parents and sister Wednesday night in Branson, MO to stay in a cabin for Thanksgiving.On our way there, we ran into some snow flurries and really cold weather...28! Thursday, Turkey Day, was filled with cooking, eating tons (Dusty and I still have leftovers), playing BINGO and Spoons, and sight seeing. Friday we got up and went to Big Cedar Lodge where his parents and sister had stayed a month before. It was so pretty!!! From there we went shopping at Branson landing and had dinner at Garfields...really yummy. That night, we went to a magic show, Kirby and Bambi, and had a lot of fun. Kirby made motorcycles, people, and cats disappear; Bambi could be blindfolded, turned towards the back of the stage, and tell aloud what people in the audience were holding up. She even told how much money this one guy had in his wallet that was sitting the audience...$194, and no it wasnt Dusty or Big Dan, haha! They even cut two girls in half, and then when they were put back together, they had each other's pants on...crazy! Saturday we checked out and had lunch before we said goodbye. Dusty and I headed for Branson and went to the Bass Pro Shop. It was huge!!! The store had live turtles, snakes, fish, spiders, tons and tons of stuffed animals, waterfalls, a litte kids shooting range that I wanted to do, and so much more! From there, we went to the mall, then to the Petland pet store, and had dinner at the Japanese Steakhouse that was so good! We had a great Thanksgiving with the family!

Friday, November 16, 2007
6 Things People Don't Know About Me
Melissa tagged me for the 6 Things People Don't Know About Me, so here it goes....
1. I don't like walking around barefoot. I would rather wear socks or shoes all the time instead of going around barefoot.
2. I hate putting laundry away. I know, thats bad, but I can't stand it. Dusty and I go to the laundrymat every Sunday, and I have to be honest and say, it doesn't always get put up for a while....
3. I have a pacemaker. I was born with a heart problem and have had a pacemaker now for 22 years. My last surgery was August 27, 2007.
4. I'm going to school to be a Child Life Specialists and will one day work in a children's hospital with the children who undergo surgeries and help them and their families through their whole hospital adventure. I am really looking forward to it!
5. I like to sleep late, til like 10, and I tell Dusty all the time that since I don't work up here in MO, then I don't run errands or anything until after lunch. I know that's terrible, but I'm enjoying my time up here before I start school back and babysitting in January.
6. I really hate exercising, but I am trying a new plan to get into shape, and so I have started to exercise...plus, I have to get ready for my aerobics class at school next semester (I have to take one more credit in PE, so I'm taking aerobics...yuck!)
Ok, so that was harder than I thought it would be! Haha, hope you enjoy!
1. I don't like walking around barefoot. I would rather wear socks or shoes all the time instead of going around barefoot.
2. I hate putting laundry away. I know, thats bad, but I can't stand it. Dusty and I go to the laundrymat every Sunday, and I have to be honest and say, it doesn't always get put up for a while....
3. I have a pacemaker. I was born with a heart problem and have had a pacemaker now for 22 years. My last surgery was August 27, 2007.
4. I'm going to school to be a Child Life Specialists and will one day work in a children's hospital with the children who undergo surgeries and help them and their families through their whole hospital adventure. I am really looking forward to it!
5. I like to sleep late, til like 10, and I tell Dusty all the time that since I don't work up here in MO, then I don't run errands or anything until after lunch. I know that's terrible, but I'm enjoying my time up here before I start school back and babysitting in January.
6. I really hate exercising, but I am trying a new plan to get into shape, and so I have started to exercise...plus, I have to get ready for my aerobics class at school next semester (I have to take one more credit in PE, so I'm taking aerobics...yuck!)
Ok, so that was harder than I thought it would be! Haha, hope you enjoy!
Sunday, November 11, 2007
St. Louis
Dusty and I went to St. Louis yesterday and had a lot of fun! First thing we did was visit the Gateway Arch. It was huge and so pretty! The Arch is taller than the Washington Monument and The Statue of Liberty! We went up in it and they way you get up to the top is this 5 passenger really small, closed in thing that everyone is sitting very close together ( a little stuffy and claustrophobic)! When we got to the top, there were little rectangular windows you could look out to see the city of St. Louis. So pretty, and it took your breath away a little, just being so high and everything! We stayed there for a little while taking everything in and also taking pictures. From there we went to a casino! First time for everything! I played the slot machines and Dusty played Roulette! Neither one of us made any money....:( But we had a lot of fun and it was a cool experience. After that we went downtown to have dinner. We had been craving Japanese, so we found a Japanese Restaurant downtown and it was not what we were used to, or really wanted. Our meal actually turned out pretty good, better than we thought it was going to be. From there, we stayed downtown and walked around for a little while and then drove to this shopping mall that was absolutely huge and sooo fancy! We were about to go inside and this lady stopped us at the door and said the mall was closing for a special event. So we left and I asked Dusty why she assumed we weren't with the special event and Dusty said everyone inside was in tuxes and evening gowns...whoops! Then we drove back downtown to another mall, and it was closed down or something, so we drove by the arch again and headed home! We had a great day visiting St. Louis and are so happy we had the opportunity to! 

Saturday, October 27, 2007
Our New Townhouse
Back in March, we knew that Dusty's permanent duty station was going to be Ft. Stewart, GA. We were so excited because it was close to family, friends, and my school, Georgia Southern Univeristy. So from then on, we had been looking at places to live off post. We found these townhouses right off of I-16, great location, great new developing town, and in between school and Ft. Stewart. In July, we decided to purchase one of the townhouses, and it will be ready for us to move in in December! The lady who has been helping us through the whole process called yesterday about the closing date, and I mentiond to her if they take pictures sometimes and post on their website. She kinda got my drift about how I was wanting pictures of our house since we aren't down there to see it, and so she said she would be happy to take pictures for us! Here they are!!!! 

Friday, October 26, 2007
Family Night
Dusty's parents, Big Dan and Little Liz, and sister, Nicki, stopped by yesterday on their way to Branson and stayed the night with us. They got here in time for dinner, and so we went to Miller's Grill. If you havent ever been there and are in the area, you should definately go check it out! It is soo good! We came back to the house, changed into pajamas, relaxed, and just caught up with each other. We woke up this morning around 7 when Dusty came back from a meeting and sat around and visited with the family some more before they headed out and before Dusty had to go back to work. Everyone got ready, minus Dusty :(, and went to Cracker Barrel for some breakfast. Big Dan and Little Liz bought some goodies for Dusty and I, like peanut brittle, a pecan log, and Reese's cups...yummy! We had a great night and morning with his parents and sister and we are so glad they stopped in. I had my camera with us at all times and I managed to only take two pictures, but here they are! And sorry Big Dan and Little Liz, somehow you aren't in any! Thanks for stopping by and we look forward to seeing y'all in a month for Thanksgiving!

Saturday, October 20, 2007
Pumpkin Time
Last night, Melissa and Andy had Dusty and I over to carve our pumpkins. We had a lot of fun carving, eating cake, drinking apple cider, taking pictures, and just hanging out together! When we got home, we tried to take pictures of Layla beside the pumpkin and she was not going to have it. She ran and hid behind the kitchen chair so we couldn't get to her! Who knows why she was so scared of it!? 

I haven't been feeling too well lately and so we thought maybe I had a kidney infection because thats where the pain was coming from. So when we got back home from Andy and Melissa's, we looked online for appointments with my PCM. There were no appointments for a while, so before it got any worse, we went on to the ER because it becomes more of a walk-in clinic sometimes. We went up there, stayed for 3 hours so I could pee in a cup, and found out that I did have a kidney infection. I am on antibiotics and hopefully will be feeling better soon!

I haven't been feeling too well lately and so we thought maybe I had a kidney infection because thats where the pain was coming from. So when we got back home from Andy and Melissa's, we looked online for appointments with my PCM. There were no appointments for a while, so before it got any worse, we went on to the ER because it becomes more of a walk-in clinic sometimes. We went up there, stayed for 3 hours so I could pee in a cup, and found out that I did have a kidney infection. I am on antibiotics and hopefully will be feeling better soon!
Wednesday, October 17, 2007
Army Lifestyle
We have been living here for almost a month and I dont think that I have gotten used to living around all this army stuff. Today I was going to the commissary (the grocery store) and I passed a truck that said "Convoy Ahead" and so sure enough I passed about 10-15 huge trucks! I didn't know whether I was suppose to pull over and wait til they passed, or just keep driving, so I didn't do either. Instead, I just went real slow. Dusty said next time, it will probably be best to pull over and stop. Dusty and I were outside the other evening playing with Layla and, once again, a convoy of 10-15 Hum V's (hummers) went by the house, with men in camo who were sticking out of the top with their guns. It was a little scary too! Sometimes, you hear sounds like soft thunder, but its only the guns and whatever else going off at the shooting range. Yesterday, there was an explosion that shook the windows and doors in the house! It was kinda scary! Layla is not sure what all this noise is either. She thinks that someone is here, most likely her daddy, and barks and runs to the kitchen door, and then finds no one is here. Dusty goes to PT in the morning around 4:45, so he is up at 4. From 4 to 5, I try to go back to sleep. Sometimes its hard because we are close to where some of the men and women go to PT and so you can hear them shouting, counting, and singing "cadance". All in all, I love living on post because you are close to everything. Most days I dont even leave post because we have a grocery store, the PX, which is like Walmart, fast food restaurants, mini malls, post office, bank, golf course, etc. It is nice not having to leave everyday and having to come back in through the gates. When you enter in through the gates, everyone in the car has to show ID, and then you are hoping, or I am cause it happened to us once, that the security guards don't put the Inspection paper on your window, cause then you have to drive over and have your car inspected. It's all for safety though and I am glad they do it! One of these days I will get use to all the sounds, big trucks, Hummers, men and women in uniform everyone, showing ID at the gates and also at the PX and Commissary, and being woken up early in the morning! I love it all!

Tuesday, October 16, 2007
We've Been Tagged!
Four Jobs I've Had
1. Babysitter
2. Student
3. Daycare worker
4. Wife
Four Movies I could watch Over and Over
1. The Notebook
2. A Walk To Remember
3. Bad Boys 2
4. Elf
Four Places I've Lived
1. Ringgold, GA
2. Statesboro, GA
3. Ft. Benning, GA (kinda)
4. Ft. Leonard Wood, MO
Four favorite TV/reality shows
1. Paula Deen (anything on Food Network)
2. Little People, Big World (The Roloffs)
3. Jon & Kate: Plus 8
4. Ellen DeGeneres
Four of my Favorite places I've Been
1. Disney World
2. Savannah, GA
3. New York City
4. Costa Rica
Four of my Favorite Foods
1. Tacos
2. Turnip Greens
3. Macaroni & Cheese
4. Mexican & Japanese/Chinese
Four Websites I Check Daily
1. our blog
2. Yahoo mail
3. Facebook
Four Hobbies I enjoy
1. Reading
2. Shopping (when I have money)
3. Riding bikes
4. hanging out with my husband, Dusty
Four Jobs I've Had
1. yard mower
2. West Walnut Cafe
3. Army
4. husband
Four Movies I could watch Over and Over
1. The Patriot
2. Gladiator
3. Dumb and Dumber
4. Blues Brothers
Four Places I've Lived
1. Dalton, GA
2. West Point, NY
3. Ft. Benning, GA (kinda)
4. Ft. Leonard Wood, MO
Four favorite TV/reality shows
1. Cops
2. Sports Center
3. Little People, Big World
4. TLC: Flip This House
Four of my Favorite places I've Been
1. Costa Rica
2. Summerland Key
3. New York City
4. Savannah, GA
Four of my Favorite Foods
1. Steak
2. Sweet Potato
3. hamburger
4. Mexican
Four Websites I Check Daily
1. AKO
3. Scottrade
4. Yahoo Finance
Four Hobbies I enjoy
1. Fishing
2. spending time with my wife, Monica
3. building things
4. exercising
Four Jobs I've Had
1. Babysitter
2. Student
3. Daycare worker
4. Wife
Four Movies I could watch Over and Over
1. The Notebook
2. A Walk To Remember
3. Bad Boys 2
4. Elf
Four Places I've Lived
1. Ringgold, GA
2. Statesboro, GA
3. Ft. Benning, GA (kinda)
4. Ft. Leonard Wood, MO
Four favorite TV/reality shows
1. Paula Deen (anything on Food Network)
2. Little People, Big World (The Roloffs)
3. Jon & Kate: Plus 8
4. Ellen DeGeneres
Four of my Favorite places I've Been
1. Disney World
2. Savannah, GA
3. New York City
4. Costa Rica
Four of my Favorite Foods
1. Tacos
2. Turnip Greens
3. Macaroni & Cheese
4. Mexican & Japanese/Chinese
Four Websites I Check Daily
1. our blog
2. Yahoo mail
3. Facebook
Four Hobbies I enjoy
1. Reading
2. Shopping (when I have money)
3. Riding bikes
4. hanging out with my husband, Dusty
Four Jobs I've Had
1. yard mower
2. West Walnut Cafe
3. Army
4. husband
Four Movies I could watch Over and Over
1. The Patriot
2. Gladiator
3. Dumb and Dumber
4. Blues Brothers
Four Places I've Lived
1. Dalton, GA
2. West Point, NY
3. Ft. Benning, GA (kinda)
4. Ft. Leonard Wood, MO
Four favorite TV/reality shows
1. Cops
2. Sports Center
3. Little People, Big World
4. TLC: Flip This House
Four of my Favorite places I've Been
1. Costa Rica
2. Summerland Key
3. New York City
4. Savannah, GA
Four of my Favorite Foods
1. Steak
2. Sweet Potato
3. hamburger
4. Mexican
Four Websites I Check Daily
1. AKO
3. Scottrade
4. Yahoo Finance
Four Hobbies I enjoy
1. Fishing
2. spending time with my wife, Monica
3. building things
4. exercising
Sunday, October 14, 2007
Thanks Melissa!
Thanks to Melissa, our page now looks somewhat together. She helped me with the background colors and all that. Thank you, Melissa!
Saturday, October 13, 2007
A Little About The Eggleston's
Hey everyone, we are just getting started with blogging so our site isnt looking too great right now!
We have only been married for a little over 4 months, and we are loving married life! Since being married, we have lived in 3 states: Summerland Key, Florida; Ft. Benning Georgia and Dalton, Georgia; and finally, Ft. Leonard Wood, Missouri, where we currently are now. I will be in Missouri until a little before Christmas, then moving down to Pooler, Georgia, outside of Savannah, into our new townhouse. Dusty will be finishing his Engineering Officer Basic Course and will be moving down to GA in January. I will be starting school back at Georgia Southern University in January for spring semester, and Dusty will be at Ft. Stewart for his first duty station as a 2nd Lieutenant.
We have a Maltese puppy named Layla! She just had her first birthday! She is just like a little kid at times, especially when it comes to needing attention and play time. She loves playing, especially with water bottles, her toy keys, and running around and around and around in the yard. Sometimes, she gets going so fast, she face plants in the grass! We will try to post some pictures of her crazy running. She loves people and goes crazy for their attention and wont calm down until they acknowledge her! But we love her to death!
We are looking forward to Thanksgiving and Christmas breaks to see our families! We are also looking forward to what the future has in store for us!

We have only been married for a little over 4 months, and we are loving married life! Since being married, we have lived in 3 states: Summerland Key, Florida; Ft. Benning Georgia and Dalton, Georgia; and finally, Ft. Leonard Wood, Missouri, where we currently are now. I will be in Missouri until a little before Christmas, then moving down to Pooler, Georgia, outside of Savannah, into our new townhouse. Dusty will be finishing his Engineering Officer Basic Course and will be moving down to GA in January. I will be starting school back at Georgia Southern University in January for spring semester, and Dusty will be at Ft. Stewart for his first duty station as a 2nd Lieutenant.
We have a Maltese puppy named Layla! She just had her first birthday! She is just like a little kid at times, especially when it comes to needing attention and play time. She loves playing, especially with water bottles, her toy keys, and running around and around and around in the yard. Sometimes, she gets going so fast, she face plants in the grass! We will try to post some pictures of her crazy running. She loves people and goes crazy for their attention and wont calm down until they acknowledge her! But we love her to death!
We are looking forward to Thanksgiving and Christmas breaks to see our families! We are also looking forward to what the future has in store for us!

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