Friday, December 17, 2010
Thursday, December 16, 2010
Wednesday, December 15, 2010
Dusty's Home!!!
Dusty flew into Hunter Army Airfield Thursday night around 8:50 pm. He was surprised to be greeted by one of his best friends from West Point, Greg Holownia. Dusty was very surprised. On my way to pick him up at Ft. Stewart, Greg called my phone and I answered by asking if he saw Dusty. He said yes, and then said "babe, this is Dusty!" Such a great surprise getting to hear his voice and knowing he was on US land. His mom and dad, my mom and dad, myself, and Greg and Tim (Dusty's dad's friends from college) all greeted Dusty at Ft. Stewart around 11:30 pm. It was freezing out there! We were bundled up with a banner and American flags. It's hard to explain, but the guys got off the buses behind trees and marched through the trees to us, stood in formation, sang the 3rd ID song- The Dog Face Soldier song, and the Army song. Then it was time to go out in the crazy swarm of ACU's and find Dusty. I got so lost and turned around I stood there, and finally, my dad picked Dusty out of the crowd and led me to him. It was the best feeling seeing him and then hugging and stealing a quick kiss! After visiting for a few minutes, we walked over to where the buses were parked so Dusty could get his ruck sack and duffel bag, and it was on to the house. We met back up with everyone at....dum, dum, dum, dah....ChickfilA...Dusty's all-time most favorite place to eat! We hung out the rest of the day with family and then that night, my sisters, Kim and Rachel, Rachel's husband Beau, and their baby Branton. That night, we had dinner with the family and Greg and James (best friends from West Point) and James' girlfriend Anne. We had a really good time. Dusty, Greg, and James, aka the tripod, had not been together since August of 2007! We all had a really great time. Dusty is now back to work for reintegration for several days. The good thing is he does half days, 7:30-12, and we get to hang out for the rest of the afternoon and evening. It is so great to have him back home. Thank you to each and every one of you who have prayed, supported and loved Dusty and I. Also, thank you for the calls, care packages, and letters. He loved each and everything he received while in Iraq. I feel so blessed and thankful to have him back home safe!
Sunday, September 19, 2010
Locks of Love
Thursday, I cut off 13 inches and donated 10 1/2 to Locks of Love (a foundation that makes wigs for children). My hair was so long that it is going to take me a while to get used to this new, short do. I surprised Dusty and didn't tell him when I was cutting my hair off. When we skyped on Saturday, he was surprised to see I had no hair, haha, but liked it! I was a little worried what his reaction was going to be and I wanted to see his facial expressions. It was hilarious and a good surprise!

Also, today is my 26th birthday. I spent it with Mom, Dad, Kim, Rachel, Beau, Branton and my Grandpa. Grandpa turned 86 yesterday. We went to Provino's for lunch and had GiGi's cupcakes....yummmmy!!!! Dusty got me prescriptioned sunglasses, an iTunes card and a little shopping trip to go get a new birthday outfit (that would be the gray dress). Mom and dad got me Alegria clogs....can't wait for cooler weather to wear them. Here are a few pictures from Thursday and today. Hope you all enjoy!

Saturday, August 7, 2010
One of the happiest days of my life, July 22, when Dusty came home for his 2 week R&R. We met him at the Atlanta airport with hugs and kisses! It was so good to see him. After getting him, after all it was only 8:00 am, we went to his favorite place in the US...ChickfilA! After breakfast, we went to my sister Rachel's house for Dusty to meet his nephew, Branton. Ok, I won't write every detail of every day...but we hung out in Chattanooga with our families for the weekend, celebrated Dusty's 26th birthday (August 11), and relaxed. On Monday, Dusty and I drove down to Savannah and stayed at our friend Greg's apartment (he is currently deployed to Afghanistan). We went to Charleston for a couple days, to Tybee beach and played putt putt with our friend James and his girlfriend and sister in law, and daughter. We also went to Jacksonville for the day and had lunch with Dusty's Grandmother and Aunt and 2 of her kids. So good seeing them! For the most part, Dusty and I soaked up as much time with each other as possible, sleeping in, eating good, and a lot, reading, doing our normal errands/routines in Savannah, and just hanging out and enjoying each other's company. It was hard to say goodbye to him this morning at the airport, but we made it. Now, just 4 months to go and we'll be back in Savannah (Ft. Stewart). We'll see where God leads us with the military life...thanks so much everyone for the prayers, love, support, care packages, phone calls, etc. We love you all very much. Enjoy the pics!
Thursday, June 24, 2010
Monday, June 7, 2010
3 years and a Captain later...
That's right, Dusty was promoted to Captain on June 1, 2010, after hitting his 3 year mark in the Army. I am so proud of him and all of his accomplishments. Remember this now changes his mailing address to CPT. Dustin Eggleston. Thank you for all the love and support and prayers. He, and we, couldn't do it without all of you. I only have one picture at the moment of his promotion ceremony and so when I get more, I will be sure to post them.
Thursday, May 6, 2010
Quick update: Dusty is doing well, keeping extremely busy, but definitely making a difference over there. Thank you to everyone who has sent packages and cards to him. He really enjoys them and both of us appreciate it.
He made the Special Forces tryout list and will go tryout in March 2011. I am so proud of him! Everything is in God's hands and we will see where this leads us.
I can't believe it is already May! The time has gone by pretty fast, now that it's May. Dusty said one day over the phone that it "seemed like yesterday was December 17th and I blinked and now it's today." I said, "really...I've taken a few more blinks than that." In the beginning, especially February, was so slow. I remember at Christmas with the family opening my present for St. Maarten and thinking, "Wow, if I can just make it to that?"....and now I've gone and come back (which is was amazing and I had a WONDERFUL time). I hope the next 3 1/2- 4 months goes by quickly...Dusty will be here for his R&R and baby Branton will also be here (my sister Rachel is having a boy at the beginning of August).
Thank you to everyone who supports Dusty and me. You are all wonderful and we love you very much. Please continue to pray for Dusty; for his mental, physical, and emotional strength, as well as his safety. Continue to pray for all the military servicemen and women serving our country.
He made the Special Forces tryout list and will go tryout in March 2011. I am so proud of him! Everything is in God's hands and we will see where this leads us.
I can't believe it is already May! The time has gone by pretty fast, now that it's May. Dusty said one day over the phone that it "seemed like yesterday was December 17th and I blinked and now it's today." I said, "really...I've taken a few more blinks than that." In the beginning, especially February, was so slow. I remember at Christmas with the family opening my present for St. Maarten and thinking, "Wow, if I can just make it to that?"....and now I've gone and come back (which is was amazing and I had a WONDERFUL time). I hope the next 3 1/2- 4 months goes by quickly...Dusty will be here for his R&R and baby Branton will also be here (my sister Rachel is having a boy at the beginning of August).
Thank you to everyone who supports Dusty and me. You are all wonderful and we love you very much. Please continue to pray for Dusty; for his mental, physical, and emotional strength, as well as his safety. Continue to pray for all the military servicemen and women serving our country.
Sunday, April 11, 2010

Saturday, March 13, 2010
Sunday, February 7, 2010
A View from Iraq
Stopped to give local children soccer balls and to speak with the locals...Dusty is taking the picture
Please continue to keep Dusty and all the other soldiers in your thoughts and prayers. They are doing an outstanding job in Iraq. Thanks to everyone for your support, letters, cards, packages, prayers and endless love.
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