We hope everyone had a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! To get everyone caught up, since August this is what we have been up to: We have been pretty busy traveling and visiting family in North Georgia and in Memphis, Tennessee. My parents came down to visit before classes started. We showed them all around Savannah, Ft. Stewart, and Tybee Island and had a really great weekend. I started my second to last semester at Georgia Southern and everything went really well. I am majoring in Child/Family Development and wanting to specialize in Child Life. I have been filling out applications for internships at children's hospitals in Georgia, Florida, and Tennessee. We visited Dusty's parents in Germantown, TN in October. Then in November, we met his parents in Charleston and visited with them there, along with Dusty's dad's best friend from college. We went to a Citadel football game and visited downtown Charleston. Dusty was promoted to First Leiutenant in November, which we are all so proud and excited for him. We had Thanksgiving at my sister Rachel and her husband Beau's new house in Dalton, along with my parents, younger sister, grandparents, and Beau's parents and sister. We had a really nice time on our visit. For Christmas, we went to Disney World with Dusty's parents, sister Nicki, grandmother, aunt and uncle, and their four children and had a really great time! We went to Magic Kingdom, Animal Kingdom, and Epcot over a few days and had so much fun. When it was time to come home, Dusty's parents and sister came to our home and had Christmas with us. Then on the 26th, we went to my parents home and had Christmas and celebrated the New Year too. It has been so nice to have time off to spend with family! We have really enjoyed it. Here are some pictures from our time with family.