Melissa tagged me for the 6 Things People Don't Know About Me, so here it goes....
1. I don't like walking around barefoot. I would rather wear socks or shoes all the time instead of going around barefoot.
2. I hate putting laundry away. I know, thats bad, but I can't stand it. Dusty and I go to the laundrymat every Sunday, and I have to be honest and say, it doesn't always get put up for a while....
3. I have a pacemaker. I was born with a heart problem and have had a pacemaker now for 22 years. My last surgery was August 27, 2007.
4. I'm going to school to be a Child Life Specialists and will one day work in a children's hospital with the children who undergo surgeries and help them and their families through their whole hospital adventure. I am really looking forward to it!
5. I like to sleep late, til like 10, and I tell Dusty all the time that since I don't work up here in MO, then I don't run errands or anything until after lunch. I know that's terrible, but I'm enjoying my time up here before I start school back and babysitting in January.
6. I really hate exercising, but I am trying a new plan to get into shape, and so I have started to, I have to get ready for my aerobics class at school next semester (I have to take one more credit in PE, so I'm taking aerobics...yuck!)
Ok, so that was harder than I thought it would be! Haha, hope you enjoy!